I had the biggest field this year! Plus the best weather and well received
arm warmers. Prior to the race, the news had reported that we were only second
to another city in the US with the least precipitation for the month of December
and that was Death Valley! This was the 6th year and I will continue this race
through the 10th. Mary Hanna and Bruce Hoff returned this year to complete 6
consecutive years and did it in fine style by running all their races in the 50K
distance. Only 4 more years and a 10 year jacket will be theirs!
arm warmers. Prior to the race, the news had reported that we were only second
to another city in the US with the least precipitation for the month of December
and that was Death Valley! This was the 6th year and I will continue this race
through the 10th. Mary Hanna and Bruce Hoff returned this year to complete 6
consecutive years and did it in fine style by running all their races in the 50K
distance. Only 4 more years and a 10 year jacket will be theirs!
As many of you know, I have a busy life outside of running. Sure, I don't
have kids and that helps, but these days, I work 14 hr days. So if I don't get
back to you right away, you know why. Some days I don't even have a chance to
check my e-mail. Other race directors know we spend a lot of time before the
race organizing everything by ourselves then get help only on race day. We are
very grateful to our volunteers who help us make it run smoothly. Please help me
in thanking: Bob Satko, Clare Nance, Ron Torrez, Gwen Scott, Jenny Hanna,
Michelle (can't remember her last name but she was the daughter of one of the
runners), John Pearch, Matt Hagen, and Jerry Thayer. All got arm warmers for
their hard work and giving up a beautiful Saturday to help you have a fun day.
Bob, Clare, and Ron expertly set up and ran the one unmanned aid station without
needing any help from me. I sent Gwen out to make sure all runners turned around
after the first 1/2 mile. She had to turn around twice and go back to make sure
they did, as 3 runners started late. Then she, Michelle, and Jenny helped me at
the finish line. Gwen kept the runners fed, Michelle did an awesome job handing
out medals, and Jenny helped me identify runners coming in as well as hand out
food. John brought me back the unmanned aid station and first turn around
supplies. That was a huge help. Matt brought a propane heater and shelter for
just in case. And Jerry brought extra tables and hauled all the trash and
recycle away.
I started working on the finisher's medals in the summer and have already
ordered supplies for next year's medals. You'll just have to come back to see
what it is. Eric Sach at The Balanced Athlete at the Renton Landing helped me
order the arm warmers. We have briefly discussed next year's apparel.
So here's what went down race day. Chris Brunnquell took off at a speedy clip
and was tackling the marathon distance. I barely made it in time to set up the
unmanned aid station and turn around before he arrived. He continued to increase
the gap between him and the 2nd runner, Kevin Douglas, by the 13.7 mile turn
around. Kevin let him go since he was running the 50K and needed to pace
himself. Kevin was followed not far behind by eventual marathon winner Steve
Geertgens, who ran a fine 2:57:10, a PR and Masters win as well as new Masters
Marathon CR. Brian Lowney came in with a PR and 2nd place in 3:05:04. Eric Sach
rounded out the top three and third Masters in 3:06:04.
Kevin improved dramatically over his 2010 winning 50K time of 4:13:24 to
break the course record by 4 minutes in a time of 3:37:08. He earned $31 for his
efforts. Cliff Richards, more than double Kevin's age, came in only 10 minutes
later in 3:47:38, taking first Masters and also setting a new Masters 50K CR.
Bradley Dutkiewicz came in 2 minutes later in 3:49:38.
The women ran strong as well on this perfect weather day. Angie Mathis, in
only her 2nd marathon, finished first in 3:39:28. Boran Kim started late but
would have given her some challenge had she started on time. Her overall gun
time and official finish was 3:55:00 but she clocked a 3:39:59 marathon. Candice
Burt was the second female finisher in 3:42:43 and Rikki Bogue was 3rd woman,
first Masters in 3:45:56, also good enough for a new Female Masters Marathon
Mary Hanna came close to breaking the overall 50K record of 4:26 but missed
it by 2 minutes. She did break the Female Masters 50K CR of 4:40 by running
4:28:07. Second female and also Masters ultrarunner was Wendy Wheeler Jacobs,
who like me prefers single track trails and mountain running. She's an
incredible uphill runner but more amazingly, she can really bomb the downhills.
In fact, she is more of a blur on the downhills. She finished in 4:43:33. Ashley
Kuhlmann finished 3rd in 5:03:08.
We had PRs, first timers, and maniac qualifyers at this race. Most amazing of
all was 73-year-old John Bandur finishing the 50K in 6:43:16, his 396th
marathon/ultra. His 400th will be at McDonald Forest 50K in Oregon next May. Max
Welker, also a fixture here in the PNW, ran his 200th marathon/ultra at this
race. Up next is a 24hr run over New Year's. Congratulations to you both and
good luck with your upcoming races!
We had three dogs sharing the trails this year. Emily helped Mary Hanna in
the 50K. Jack ran 50K with Jerry Thayer. Katy helped Dean Kayler take 5th in the
marathon. Heidi Perry did not have a canine buddy but dragged a tire from the
13.7mile turn around to the manned aid station about 8 miles away.
Thanks everyone for bringing wonderful treats for post run recovery. As
usual, Betsy's Thai butternut soup was a hit. Good thing she reserves some for
herself at the finish. Betsy was recovering with her first marathon since
finishing Javelina Jundred in November.
I was able to make some banana chocolate chip bread Friday morning, load up
the car with all the supplies, and attend my office Christmas party in the
evening. After some restless sleep, I enjoyed Saturday watching you all run,
then ran at Tiger in less ideal weather on Sunday. It was a busy weekend! This
was followed on Monday being on call and a 15 hour day. I'm finally getting some
rest this Christmas weekend!
I will be running my 300th marathon/ultra at the Tiger Fat Ass on January 7.
Hard to believe that milestone has finally arrived. I can't think of a better
run to celebrate my 300th than a Fat Ass. I hope to also see many of you at the
Lake Youngs race, now in the hands of my frequent running buddies, the Trail
Nuts. It is on the last Saturday of January. Come join me as well for Bridal
Trails 50K later that afternoon. Finally, Pigtails Challenge is Memorial Weekend
2012. There is a 200 miler as well as a half (100 miler). There is also a
'tweener of 150 milles for those of you who cannot decide. I'm recruiting volunteers and pacers. Let me know if you can do one or both!
Final results are below: (Sorry about the format, it was the only way I could figure out how to get it on the blog)
1/Kevin Douglas/M23/3:37:08/1st Open Male, Open CR, PR
2/Cliff Richards/M50/3:47:38/1st Masters Male, Masters CR
3/Bradley Dutkiewicz/M32/3:49:38/2nd Open Male
4/Ather Haleem/M31/4:05:40/3rd Open Male
5/Mike Schlecht/M41/4:12:37/2nd Masters Male
6/Scott Sebelsky/M50/4:13:31/3rd Masters Male
7/Alex Swenson/M47/4:15:55/
8/Pete Nicholson/M52/4:23:47/
9/Neal Saxe/M44/4:24:34/1st ultra
10/Bruce Hoff/M49/4:25:45/
11/Mary Hanna/F50/4:28:07/1st Masters Female w/dog Emily, Masters CR
12/Michael Johnston/M21/4:33:53/
13/Daniel Kuhlmann/M28/4:34:29/PR
14/Wendy Wheeler-Jacobs/F44/4:43:33/2nd Masters Female
15/Ted Eckert/M44/4:51:04/
16/Matt Hagen/M40/4:51:12/
17/Seth Wolpin/M39/4:53:10/
18/Jerry Thayer/M57/4:54:28/With dog Jack
/Todd McCrory/M44/4:54:28/1st 50K
20/Bill Davenport/M42/4:59:58/
21/Mike Mahanay/M56/5:03:08/
22/Ashley Kuhlmann/F25/5:03:38/1st Open Female
23/Ben Semer/M38/5:06:46/
24/Kimberly Kuhlmann/F33/5:10:10/2nd Open Female
25/Andy Lin/M29/5:11:09/
26/Ben Russell/M33/5:14:55/
27/Kay Allen/F35/5:14:57/3rd Open Female
28/Monte Pelicano Pascual/M51/5:27:35/
29/John Schaphorts/M47/5:27:48/
30/Dan Bowman/M62/5:30:08/
31/Kristoffer Lindstrom/M38/5:30:30/
32/Jules Mann/M49/5:42:24/
33/William Baldyga/M40/5:44:06/
34/Irena Lambrou/F25/5:46:00/
35/Mike Kuhlmann/M51/5:57:54/
36/Becky Hunter/F43/6:17:00/3rd Masters Female, 1st 50K
37/Keli Davenport/F40/6:17:01/
38/Sonora Jordan/M21/6:33:40/
39/Seret Rafferty/F42/6:38:05/1st ultra
40/John Bandur/M73/6:43:16/396th Marathon/Ultra
Female Open CR: Sara Malcom 4:26:00 (2009)
33/William Baldyga/M40/5:44:06/
34/Irena Lambrou/F25/5:46:00/
35/Mike Kuhlmann/M51/5:57:54/
36/Becky Hunter/F43/6:17:00/3rd Masters Female, 1st 50K
37/Keli Davenport/F40/6:17:01/
38/Sonora Jordan/M21/6:33:40/
39/Seret Rafferty/F42/6:38:05/1st ultra
40/John Bandur/M73/6:43:16/396th Marathon/Ultra
Female Open CR: Sara Malcom 4:26:00 (2009)
Masters CR: Mary Hanna 4:28:07 (2011)
Male Open CR: Kevin Douglas 3:37:08 (2011)
Male Open CR: Kevin Douglas 3:37:08 (2011)
Masters CR: Cliff Richards 3:47:38 (2011)
1/Steve Geertgens/M43/2:57:10/1st Masters Male, Masters CR, PR
2/Brian Lowney/M40/3:05:04/2nd Masters Male, PR
3/Eric Sach/M43/3:06:04/3rd Masters Male
4/Chris Brunnquell/M22/3:12:47/1st Open Male
5/Dean Kayler/M48/3:26:27/With dog Katie
6/Rich Hieb/M38/3:27:29/2nd Open Male
7/Robert Bondurant/M39/3:27:53/3rd Open Male
8/Peter Stackpole/M43/3:28:50/
9/Samuel Scoby/M31/3:31:52/
10/Pedro Infante/M50/3:35:22/
11/Terry Sentinella/M47/3:37:22/
12/Tim Mathis/M31/3:39:28/
/Angie Mathis/F31/3:39:28/1st Open Female
14/Brian Pendleton/M57/3:41:10/
15/Candice Burt/F30/3:42:43/2nd Open Female
16/Cormac Burke/M50/3:45:45/
/Marc Frommer/M59/3:45:45/
18/Rikki Bogue/F48/3:45:56/1st Masters Female, Masters CR
19/May Cheng/F46/3:49:48/2nd Masters Female
20/BJ Farish/M38/3:54:28/
21/Boram Kim/F25/3:55:00/3rd Open Female
22/Heidi Hubler/F37/3:56:16/
/Steve Ellis/M44/3:56:16/
24/Steven Yee/M52/3:57:17/
/Diana Robinson/F45/3:57:17/3rd Masters Female
26/Roger Chou/M41/3:57:27/
27/Jodi Brautaset/F36/3:57:39/
/Steve Duncan/M43/3:57:39/
29/Chris Marabetta/M34/3:58:04/
30/Benjamin Chan/M41/4:04:30/
31/Eric Glass/M34/4:05:25/
32/Andy Fritz/M45/4:05:27/
33/Tracy Brown/F50/4:08:06/PR
34/Genia Kacey/F36/4:09:37/
/Joleen Rodgers/F35/4:09:37/
36/Phillip Kriss/M52/4:09:41/
37/Terri Gray/F43/4:10:46/
38/Roger Adams/M62/4:11:51/
39/Lorinda Hagstrom/F41/4:19:08/
/Patti Krebsbach/F49/4:19:08/
41/Suzanne Nester/F45/4:20:17/
42/Kris Damiano/M36/4:21:05/
43/William Scott/M50/4:21:45/
/Dan Whitaker/M50/4:21:45/
45/Stephanie Astell/F48/4:25:45/
/Teresa Hanson-Redrup/F49/4:25:45/
47/Ron Frederick/M44/4:27:12/
/Jayne Simmons/M49/4:27:12/
49/Susan Cheng-Looi/F51/4:29:50/
50/Lisa Wood/F38/4:31:32/
51/Mark Looi/M51/4:34:13/
52/Steve White/M58/4:34:39/
53/Luisa Lopez/F41/4:36:39/
54/Gary Marr/M60/4:37:04/
/David Stout/M57/4:37:04/
56/WILDMAN Willet/M57/4:39:17/
57/Lisa Eagle/F31/4:40:17/
58/Sam Simone/M59/4:41:10/
59/Vivian Doorn/F45/4:42:32/
60/Hideko Opperman/F43/4:44:02/
61/Whitney Waller/F45/4:46:19/
/Georgeta Gruescu/M39/4:46:19/
63/Jill Hudson/F49/4:51:12/
/Marilou Russell/F50/4:51:12/
65/Linda Walter/F60/4:51:38/
66/Lisa Reid/F46/5:01:05/
/Angie Smith/F34/5:01:05/
68/Leanne Norseth/F45/5:06:44/
69/Brian Cox/M51/5:07:39/
/Angie Tinsley/F38/5:07:39/
71/Betsy Rogers/F48/5:09:14/
72/Robert Stretz/M43/5:10:36/
73/Max Welker/M69/5:18:12/200th Marathon/Ultra
74/Christine Yamada/F51/5:20:36/
75/Cody Hill/M38/5:25:50/
/Nicole Hill/F40/5:25:50/
77/Sarah Lynch/F33/5:29:17/
/Megan Smith/F32/5:29:17/
79/Takao Suzuki/M46/5:32:07/
80/Stan Nakashima/M60/5:45:13/
/Rick Haase/M66/5:45:13/
82/Deborah Evdemon/F43/5:55:49/
83/Marie Zornes/F48/5:55:50/
84/Raymond Shaw/M53/5:58:00/
85/Heidi Perry/F40/6:00:08/
86/Morrie Bills/F43/6:00:28/
87/Jane Herzog/F48/6:18:42/
/Cyndie Merten/F55/6:18:42/
89/Ric Hart/M64/7:04:50/
Female Open CR: Annie Theissen 3:14:10 (2007)
1/Steve Geertgens/M43/2:57:10/1st Masters Male, Masters CR, PR
2/Brian Lowney/M40/3:05:04/2nd Masters Male, PR
3/Eric Sach/M43/3:06:04/3rd Masters Male
4/Chris Brunnquell/M22/3:12:47/1st Open Male
5/Dean Kayler/M48/3:26:27/With dog Katie
6/Rich Hieb/M38/3:27:29/2nd Open Male
7/Robert Bondurant/M39/3:27:53/3rd Open Male
8/Peter Stackpole/M43/3:28:50/
9/Samuel Scoby/M31/3:31:52/
10/Pedro Infante/M50/3:35:22/
11/Terry Sentinella/M47/3:37:22/
12/Tim Mathis/M31/3:39:28/
/Angie Mathis/F31/3:39:28/1st Open Female
14/Brian Pendleton/M57/3:41:10/
15/Candice Burt/F30/3:42:43/2nd Open Female
16/Cormac Burke/M50/3:45:45/
/Marc Frommer/M59/3:45:45/
18/Rikki Bogue/F48/3:45:56/1st Masters Female, Masters CR
19/May Cheng/F46/3:49:48/2nd Masters Female
20/BJ Farish/M38/3:54:28/
21/Boram Kim/F25/3:55:00/3rd Open Female
22/Heidi Hubler/F37/3:56:16/
/Steve Ellis/M44/3:56:16/
24/Steven Yee/M52/3:57:17/
/Diana Robinson/F45/3:57:17/3rd Masters Female
26/Roger Chou/M41/3:57:27/
27/Jodi Brautaset/F36/3:57:39/
/Steve Duncan/M43/3:57:39/
29/Chris Marabetta/M34/3:58:04/
30/Benjamin Chan/M41/4:04:30/
31/Eric Glass/M34/4:05:25/
32/Andy Fritz/M45/4:05:27/
33/Tracy Brown/F50/4:08:06/PR
34/Genia Kacey/F36/4:09:37/
/Joleen Rodgers/F35/4:09:37/
36/Phillip Kriss/M52/4:09:41/
37/Terri Gray/F43/4:10:46/
38/Roger Adams/M62/4:11:51/
39/Lorinda Hagstrom/F41/4:19:08/
/Patti Krebsbach/F49/4:19:08/
41/Suzanne Nester/F45/4:20:17/
42/Kris Damiano/M36/4:21:05/
43/William Scott/M50/4:21:45/
/Dan Whitaker/M50/4:21:45/
45/Stephanie Astell/F48/4:25:45/
/Teresa Hanson-Redrup/F49/4:25:45/
47/Ron Frederick/M44/4:27:12/
/Jayne Simmons/M49/4:27:12/
49/Susan Cheng-Looi/F51/4:29:50/
50/Lisa Wood/F38/4:31:32/
51/Mark Looi/M51/4:34:13/
52/Steve White/M58/4:34:39/
53/Luisa Lopez/F41/4:36:39/
54/Gary Marr/M60/4:37:04/
/David Stout/M57/4:37:04/
56/WILDMAN Willet/M57/4:39:17/
57/Lisa Eagle/F31/4:40:17/
58/Sam Simone/M59/4:41:10/
59/Vivian Doorn/F45/4:42:32/
60/Hideko Opperman/F43/4:44:02/
61/Whitney Waller/F45/4:46:19/
/Georgeta Gruescu/M39/4:46:19/
63/Jill Hudson/F49/4:51:12/
/Marilou Russell/F50/4:51:12/
65/Linda Walter/F60/4:51:38/
66/Lisa Reid/F46/5:01:05/
/Angie Smith/F34/5:01:05/
68/Leanne Norseth/F45/5:06:44/
69/Brian Cox/M51/5:07:39/
/Angie Tinsley/F38/5:07:39/
71/Betsy Rogers/F48/5:09:14/
72/Robert Stretz/M43/5:10:36/
73/Max Welker/M69/5:18:12/200th Marathon/Ultra
74/Christine Yamada/F51/5:20:36/
75/Cody Hill/M38/5:25:50/
/Nicole Hill/F40/5:25:50/
77/Sarah Lynch/F33/5:29:17/
/Megan Smith/F32/5:29:17/
79/Takao Suzuki/M46/5:32:07/
80/Stan Nakashima/M60/5:45:13/
/Rick Haase/M66/5:45:13/
82/Deborah Evdemon/F43/5:55:49/
83/Marie Zornes/F48/5:55:50/
84/Raymond Shaw/M53/5:58:00/
85/Heidi Perry/F40/6:00:08/
86/Morrie Bills/F43/6:00:28/
87/Jane Herzog/F48/6:18:42/
/Cyndie Merten/F55/6:18:42/
89/Ric Hart/M64/7:04:50/
Female Open CR: Annie Theissen 3:14:10 (2007)
Female Masters CR: Rikki Bogue 3:45:56 (2011)
Male Open CR: Chuck Engle 2:37: 54 (2006)
Male Open CR: Chuck Engle 2:37: 54 (2006)
Male Masters CR: Steve Geertgens 2:57:10 (2011)
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